Corporate Partners
We invite you to join us and to help us bring together a diverse group of people from all around our community. We invite sponsors to join us in our mission to connect and empower each other. Be the one to make a difference and help us make The Fierce Connection Conference a reality.

2 VIP Reserved Seats
Exclusive VIP Check-In
Reserved Seating
Business Name, logo, and link to business page on the website
Vendor set-up
Principio Coffee
Exclusive30 Minute Coaching call with Cristy and/or Ryan

4 VIP Reserved Seats
Exclusive VIP Check-In
Reserved Seating
Business Name, logo, and link to business page on the website
Vendor set-up
Principio Coffee
Exclusive 45-minute Coaching Call with Cristy and/or Ryan

6 VIP Reserved Seats
Exclusive VIP Check-In Reserved Seating
Business Name and logo displayed at the event
Business Name, logo, and link to business page on the website
Vendor set-up
Principio Coffee
Exclusive one-hour group coaching call for your leaders or team with Cristy and/or Ryan
Meet Our Partners
They are helping make Fierce Connection a reality.